The first live virtual performances of the first five plays in The Brecht Project, entitled The Private Life of the (Not So) Master Race, premiered October 27, 28 and 29, 2020.
what’s new and what’s next for THE BRECHT PROJECT:
Read our Interview in ecibs - the Communications of the International Brecht Society
“While it may seem like a step too far to describe modern-day America as a direct analogue to Nazi Germany, this adaptation manages to reveal some darkly striking parallels between the two. It makes the audience sit back and wonder just how much of what we consider to be the unremarkable but inevitable realities of American life are actually symptoms of encroaching fascist ideologies. You walk away wondering if there is truly such a thing as an innocent bystander, and if not… what does that make you?” - Zoe A. Welch, Univ. of Puget Sound
Read the complete review of Our Oct. 2020 - Round 1 - here.
Why now?
Fear and Misery of the Third Reich was one of the first documentary theatre pieces.
Brecht asked the world:
"How did this happen?
How did Germany come to be ruled by the National Socialist dictatorship?
How are the people's actions or inactions allowing the regime to thrive?
How and when will Resistance manifest?"
And so our playwrights transport these same questions to 2020 America.
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Your donation supports our ARTISTS. This is just the beginning.
the plays
Inspired by
“A Case of Betrayal”
The People Upstairs
by Scott Munson
Inspired by
“Judicial Process”
Judicial Process
by Reg Clay
Inspired by “The Chalk Cross”
I’m With Her
by Scott Munson
Inspired by “The Jewish Wife”
by Denmo Ibrahim
Co-Produced with STORYKRAPHT
Inspired by “The Spy”
The Informer
by Christine U’Ren
Millions of Good Paying Jobs
by Scott Munson
Inspired by “Job Creation”